Friday, October 15, 2010

Once Upon a Time....

17 years ago, in a land far far away, on a rainy day, under anesthesia, you were born in a hospital that doesn't exists anymore...and it was one of the greatest gifts EVER givin' to me.

You just keep givin' and givin' and givin'

Happy Birthday Raquel...we love you more than this dumb blog can tell


  1. Happy BDay Raquel

    Your Mom talks about you all the time.

    Calm down, It's all good.

  2. Happy Birthday to your sweet Raquel. Wishing for her many more happy ones filled with love, happiness and good health. Hugs

  3. What the heck kind of dumb hospital is that that no longer should be a national monument! Happy 17th Raquel!

  4. Happy Happy Day Raquel. I hope you know how proud of you your mama is...she goes on and on and on, and we love it!!

  5. Wishing your beautiful daughter a happy birthday weekend. Take care! :) Tammy

  6. What a great kid Bun, you did

    She is one of a kind and precious beyond measure.
    ..and I'm sorry about the comment I made about her being a horse lover back when I visited you in the hospital 17 years ago...NOT!

    Love you both,

  7. 17 years! I can't imagine how fast that must have gone :) Happy Birthday to Raquel! Just make sure you keep recording all those special memories of her on this "dumb blog" :)

    Take care Bunny! It is so fun to read about your special girl!


Go 'head...say it already!