Let me just start by telling you how much I HATE Wal~Mart. Yup, I'm probably one of the few people on the planet who will admit this....and while I'm coming clean, I will admit to...
Not liking IN N Out Burgers, New Car smell, Disliking Elvis with a passion and any board game whatsoever....WHEW!...OK, Now that that's off my chest I can get back to freakin' Wal~Mart.
Yes, I went there today...I didn't want to, I tried to think of another store that offered what I needed to get, but what store offers milk, band-aids, fruit and storage units...All under one roof?
First of all, when you are hired at the ripe old age of 75 to be a greeter, shouldn't you be greeting people with a smile? I'm really not trying to be sarcastic (although you know that's my M.O.) but the greeter looked at me, I smiled and she looked at me like she was constipated, I mean, come one, you work in Wal~Mart....go to the laxative aisle for gawd sakes. That's her job....smiling, saying hello and offering you a shopping cart...how hard could it be? It's not like she'sPMSing and even if she had a bad day (it was 11 am )...pretend smile...I do it all the time...even when
I'm PMSing.
And all you people who seem to think that shopping in Wal~Mart is an amusement park for your unruly children....TAKE THEM TO THE PARK...OR LEAVE THEM AT HOME! I don't feel like scolding, yelling or tactfully teaching your children how to behave (although I have) out in public. And I certainly do not like it when little kidlets jump out at me from the center of a clothes rack.
And people...Answer your children when they say MOM for the umpteenth time....or I will.
And lastly, this is the main reason I balk at going into this store....It
ALWAYS looks like a tornado hit it. Clothes strewn on the floor, clearance items in disarray and so on and so on...
There I go, cruising the parking lot and dodging slow walkers who have not a care in the world because
THEIR the only person on the planet and their kids can't wait to attack the store.
I guess you can say I have a Love/Hate Relationship with Wal~Mart....I don't wanna go, but I'm drawn to it...like passing a car wreak I guess....I'm Just Sayin'