Saturday, September 19, 2009

Open Letter

Dear girl at the Check Out at the Market,

I don't know your name because you didn't have a name tag on and that's Ok being I'm probably not going to ever see you again. I appreciate you trying to start up a conversation with me. I know it's hard dealing with the public, I did it for over 20 years, but why oh why did you start talking to me about hamsters? Do I look like a hamster person, because I'm not. In my opinion, they are one gene away from rats. I'm not really interested in the different breeds of hamsters nor am I interested in the strange behavior of them and how you've trained them to do silly things like sit on your head. Being that I was waiting for my groceries to be bagged, you could say you had a captive audience, but I didn't know what to say to all the hamster info. What possessed you to incorporate me into the varmint talk is beyond me...OH YEAH, now I remember, you weren't talking to me, you were ignoring me and talking to the cashier behind me about your damn hamster. I'm sorry, I totally forgot I was standing in between both of you hamster aficionados. And when you told me that your beloved critter bit you once and it was OK because your boyfriend bit you on the arm in Vegas and what stays in Vegas, blah, blah, blah......that was a nice touch to your story. So, in conclusion, I hope in the future you start incorporating other topics of discussion like, Oh I don't know....the weather, latest news or maybe fashion and you might want to direct it to the person standing in front of you.....I'm just say'n!

bunny the hamster hater

P.S...I bet your little rodent friend can't do this...


  1. You are absolutely hilarious! I'm thinking these things happen to you so that you are inspired to write about it! HA! Do you draw all the comics that go with your posts or do you just randomly find them -- they always match perfectly!

  2. you hamster hater you crack me up still laughing

  3. OMG That is too funny...I mean, the way you told the story! What nerve some of these workers have! I have been ignored many times because of a more interesting customer than me when I was supposed to be waited on! Thanks always, Bunny for coming by. I promise not to feature hamsters! Anita

  4. Bunny: You are too funny. I love to hear your stories. You are like Seinfeld, I love it! Blessings, Martha

  5. Maybe she's totally random cause here I am checking out your page design and wanted to tell you that October is my favorite month. Of course I know it's not October yet..but..these pictures remind me of October.
    If there is a next time, maybe you can ney (sp?) like a horse and see if she relates to you better. Just a suggestion.

  6. Ha ha that's hilarious - hamsters are not a conversation topic you come across every day!

    There's a guy in my local supermarket who comments on my shopping - eg if I buy bread and cheese, he goes "hmm - making cheese sandwiches eh?" Very odd. I think I'd almost prefer him to talk to his colleague about rodents ;)

  7. OMG!! You're priceless!! I adore your approach to the dilemma of rude and ignorant cashiers!!

  8. I've lived in Kuwait for 15 years and this is the first time that we've been to the Maritime Museum which is only 5 minutes driving time from us. Oh well! Since we were out and about, having lunch at the hotel there, I figured we might as well take the time to visit. I need to get back to crafting -- all we've been doing is going out to eat and the rest of the time I spend on the computer. Have a great week! Tammy :)

  9. Bun Bun, you are THE funniest person I know, hands down.


  10. Ooops! Forgot to say thank you SO much for putting my Giveaway on your Blog!


  11. It took me five minutes to stop laughing!!!!!

  12. I know what you mean!
    I hate it when I'm at a check out and the checker talks to other workers like I'm not even there. So rude! It doesn't happen much because most are trained very well. We don't put up with that here in the south.LOL.


Go 'head...say it already!